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ArcheAge forum structure

Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 12:25 am
by Rodr1c
Would anyone like the ArcheAge forum structure broke down into sub sections?


Or would you rather it stay as is? I'm just wondering if breaking it down to sub forum groups would be more beneficial or just make things more crazy.

This is also an idea going forward for other games as well.

Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 5:23 am
by Rynea
Honestly, while I normally love a well structured forum with many subsections, I doubt our overall forum users are plentiful enough and the content is overall enough to warrant such a split. We barely have any posts here as is, splitting it up would just add more empty sections with 1 or 2 threads each. So I'd say no, unless we get a lot more users actively posting, I don't see the need for more subsections.

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2016 6:59 am
by Lucylucy15
1. Revelation is the new archeage patch 3.0
2. New playable races
3. New zones extended
4. New abyssal power abilities
5. Get more out of families and crafting
6. New amounts
7. Fresh start servers

Archeage patch 3.0 will introduce many new things in game, which will bring you with a fantasy new world of archeage. The new patch revelation is your best time to replay archeage. You can get cheap archeage gold from