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GiveAway App Idea

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 5:36 pm
by Fontiac
Hi, I want to introduce myself first because I'm pretty new to this amazing community.

My name is Jon and I live in a small town near Bilbao (Spain). When i was in school I learned Visual Basic and decided to make a career in software programming. After finishing my 2 year "Vocational Education" (I think it's called that way in English) I've been trying to get a job but until today I haven't found one. I started watching Twitch like 2 years ago and a few weeks ago I found CohhCarnage and he became my favourite stream withing minutes.

After some days in the channel I heard that Cohh wanted to improve the giveaway system and I got an idea about making a web app/extension for giveaways. Cohh told me that he wanted mobile users to be able to enter the giveaways also so I've been thinking about an mobile app that has a desktop "brother" (Basically 2 apps linked together). I don't know how those are done but here are some ideas I've.

**Please note that I'm pretty much an amateur and that these are IDEAS. The images below DO NOT represent final product.**[ATTACH=full]986[/ATTACH]
This is a basic layout I came with to represent my ideas.
  1. Twitch Login button. After login in you'll be able to go to your profile within the app (explained later).
  2. Area for Tweet Feeds, Latest Youtube videos, etc. I think it's a good idea to use this app to track Cohh's latest social activity.
  3. Little area that shows when there is going to be a new giveaway. I though that the channel could have an automatic giveaway system while Cohh's streaming. (Explained below).
  4. Self-explainatory. Click on 3 to change to GiveAway window. If not logged in you won't be able to change windows.
  5. Your token count and GiveAway info. Game name, User who donated the code, Number of tokens needed and if it's FFA (Free for all) or Sub only.
  6. Enter button. Disable if you don't have the required amount of tokens.
  7. Claim button. Disabled/Hidden until winner is chosen. Only shows up if you're the winner.
  1. User Profile window. Basic information. Need more work.
  2. Click to change window to Donate Code.
  3. Insert: Game Name,Game Code Type (Origin, Steam, etc),Game Code, Token Cost.
  4. GiveAway now. The donor can chose to giveaway the code NOW or to store it in a database for the automatic system (explained below). The donor will also need to chose if the giveaway is Free for All or Sub only.
  5. Send Code button. Send your code to the database.
So basically this are the ideas I've until now. Like I said above, I'm an amateur and these are only ideas. I'm sure another one can think of better ones. I just want to be useful to this community. Below I'm going to try and describe the Automatic System.
Automatic GiveAway System

Something I've been thinking about is an automatic system that giveaways game code while Cohh is streaming. This system will work like this:
  • If a donor decides that his game will be given away immediately, the code will go into a database table (call it instant_table) that will give it away immediately.
  • If he choses not to give it away instantly, the code will go into another database table (call it automatic_table) for the automatic system.
  • Automatic Giveaways will be calculated based on the number of codes in the "automatic_table". For example, if there are 10 codes in the table, every hour (for Cohh's streaming duration that day) the system will giveaway 1 code. I said every hour but it can be tuned.
  • Instant giveaways will be given as soon as the donor sends the code, and there is no other giveaway in progress.
I hope my english is not that bad and I'm sorry for this HUGE post.

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 8:33 am
by InSight_2k
Already got Cohh to know about this? Sorry to dig this post