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Multiplay [US] Wiped: 4/20/Essentials/Airdrops/Active Admins

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 10:05 pm
by diablotank10001
Hey guys, I just rented a server for rust, and needed some people to come join! Right now we have lots of admins (All from my clan members and real life friends) so we are covered in that department, but we don't have a lot of people joining.

Plugins we currently have:
-Set Home
-Economy (For essentials and homes)
-Airdrops (At 15 players, will lower if we continue to have barely anyone joining)
-And more to come

If you have a plugin you might want me to add feel free to message me about it.
Also we are currently giving away wood and stone (One stack) to get people started.

To join, go ingame and click F1. Then type net.connect
Just copy and paste so you don't have to remember.

Thank you for reading and have fun :D

Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 9:22 pm
by SirDiddles
facepunch kick RCON is what i got for an error