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his Week in Gaming April-4th-April 10th!

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 4:18 pm
by ctrlaltfrank
OH Gasdod its Sunday! This week flew by... With shockingly little news in the industry.

Fallout 4 Wins Game of the Year?
In a bit of a shock, Fallout 4 beat out The Witcher 3, Rocket League, Life is Strange, and Metal Gear Solid 5 at the BAFTA this year. I personally haven't played Witcher 3 yet, but I've heard more than a little grumblings about its lose to Fallout 4. While I'm sure the judges had their reasons to select Fallout 4, this seems to have caused a little bit of controversy.

Sexy Butts in Overwatch
Speaking of controversy, I'm starting to think that Blizzard are just a whole bunch of trolls. As many of you probably have already heard, Blizzard pulled a "sexy pose" last week, only to replace it with a more... Cheeky pose. The original issue garnered tons of attention last week for censorship, and with the new pose, people don't even know what to think! The new pose for the character Tracer has the spunky and hyper character posing with one leg up, and looking over her shoulder at the camera, many fans have pointed out that this is most likely in homage to pin-up artist, Alberto Vargas. The main controversy here however, is that many people still don't believe Junkrat is best girl.

Yarr, Pirates be ware!
Many fans of the new game Quantum Break have found out that if you are not logged into Windows Live, or if the system thinks that the game is pirates, the character you play will have an eyepatch with a jolly roger over it! This isn't the first time that the developer, Remedy, has done something like this. In Alan Wake, pirated copies of the game had the main character walking around with an Eye Patch. If more Devs could be like this when it comes to possibly pirates copies, I'd be much happier about the industry.
Creative Lead of Destiny leaves.
CJ Cowan has been part of Bungie for as long as I can remember, spanning thirteen years with the Company. This comes only a few days before the next major update for Destiny, and before the rumored expansion coming out this fall. Cowan has not yet stated why he's left the company, only that he's now realized the Bungie logo looks like a sad face...
Microsoft says they are ready for Cross Platform.
You may no longer have to choose your friends based off of what console they have, and you may not have to get rid of friends with consoles either! Microsoft has been leading up to this announcement for a while, and has finally said that they will be allowing any platform or developer who wishes to release updates to allow for cross platform play may do so. Now it seems that only Sony needs to do the same, if they have not done so already.

Don't Starve Together leaving Early Access soon!
In a shock, Don't Starve Together will be leaving Early Access later this month. Why is this shocking you may ask? Because I honestly though the game was already released.