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This Week in Gaming June 27th-July 4th.

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 7:45 pm
by ctrlaltfrank
It's that time of the week again, and oh boy is there news! Well... I wouldn't call it so much news, as drama. Lots and lots of drama, and I didn't think that this stuff would blow up into the massive super storm that its turned into. Though, aside from the drama, there's not all that much that has been going down, as we're still in the post E3 vortex; but here's what we got this week!

Planetside 1 servers go offline forever.
For those who played Planetside back in the day, I regret to inform you its passing. While Planetside 2 is still going strong, the 13 year old Planetside 1 has finally passed away, peacefully in a storm of meteors, as hundreds of fans awaited their fate before the server disconnected. As a player of PS1, I'm sad to see it go, but a game that's been running for 13 years, with a major sequel already out, it was time to say Goodbye, and good memories.

Overwatch Competitive Mode finally out!
The long awaited Competitive mode for Overwatch has finally been released! Its a bit wonky at the moment, and needs a bit more work, but its better late than never! And Blizzard is getting plenty of feedback, and rumor has it that the're going to have another patch soon to help fix some of the known issues... Like not getting a rank because someone in your team left the game.

Blizzard honors fallen fan in Overwatch.
This isn't so much news as something nicely done by Blizzard, to honor a fan who has passed away. The name "Hongyu Wu" can be seen [in Mandarin(?)] on a spacesuit in one of the levels, the name of a fan who died attempting to stop and chase a thief. Above the space suit the words "Heroes Never Die." [in Mandarin(?)] can also be seen.

CSGOLotto investigation and scandal.
There's a lot more on this than I'm going to post, but oh boy is stuff going down in the CSGO community. I'm not going to pester you with my story on it, as people far more involved and far more detailed are on this. The gist of the situation is a few Streamers who play CSGO and hype up gamblings for skins... Apparently own the website CSGOLotto, and have been driving sales towards their own website, aiming to drive younger viewers towards the website to gamble away their money.

For this, I would suggest watching the h3h3 video on this, which can be found here.

Well that's all for this week folks, I hope you have a great AMERICA DAY! You all have a great morning, night, or afternoon!

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 11:39 am
by BeJoulZ
thanks for the news! Good job

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 11:02 pm
by Sotonian
aww man, sucks about Planetside 1. Played that like crazy back in the day :(