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New Rust Event Server, Need Input Please...

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 8:39 pm
by bluevelvyt
Hello all my fine Cohhilition friends,

My name is Blue_Velvyt, but my name is the least important thing here....

"First Let me preface this by saying that all things said or done here within these pages are the sole property of Cohhcarnage and as such has the right to alter or terminate any part of the following articles contents at his discretion...Donated by your's truly, Blue_Velvyt"

An Event Sever?

The title pretty much says what it means, We already have ADDic and BAMBAM working hard on keeping two Cohhilition persistent Rust servers running, a tall order consider they are fighting Rust updates, mod updates, host server updates, and Admining both servers singlehandedly.

I considered what I could bring to the table, I love Rust, I have the exact same set up as Cohh (his two servers donated by ADDIc and BAMBAM), Same Mods, meaning Rust Essentials which uses the Whitelist, Doorsharing, Starter Kits, Etc,

So I considered attempting to setup challenges on my own "Event" server, meaning it is not persistent, with Game Giveaways to the winners.

There are a tremendous amount of things we could do:

Objective Event - Raid Challenge! (Date not set yet, must coordinate with Cohhilition)

For Example, I currently have built a structure which I believe is impenetrable by raiders and would like to challenge any and all raiders (or just players who wish to compete) from the Cohhilition to let me know when a good time for them is to attempt to raid this home would be for them, over time we will all find a good time for you all to gather together, or at least each group will be represented even if all their members can't make it, the first group who succeeds in breaching and entering the main premises, meaning you must reach the occupant inside and his supplies, wins the challenge and the Steam Game Giveaway (Value Undecided at this point, regardless, it will be well worth the challenge) if a team wins, it will be up to the team if they want to decide who to gift to or randomroll.

You have two hours to complete this challenge, when you log on you will be given a special "/kit name" chat command word (such as "Raider)" which you will type into chat, this command will give you a multitude of free to build supplies, including structures, pillars, walls, ceilings, stairs, ramps, c4, cooked food, armor, a M4 weapon and of course (500) 556 ammo, don't want any pesky zombies or critters interrupting your raiding, then you will be teleported (or you can make your own way there, it is at rad town) to the “Raid Proof” House. Not sure you will need more than that for this challenge, if you need more supplies we can add them at any time, it will not deduct from your time if the challenge event admins require extra time to re-supply your character.

I am strongly leaning toward making every one "God Mode" for this event, there will be no need for combat to raid a building and god mode would protect you from any unfortunate falls or any other damaging event that may occur, imagine a FFA Raiding challenge, My lord, the blood bath….

Obejective Challenge

Be the first one or team to retrieve and hold a particular rare objective hidden somewhere on the map, holding this object for a “yet to be determined time” will aid your side in victory and win the challenge, losing this object and the other team holding it for yet to be determined time” will win them the challenge. Of course we will have to limit the amount of territory you freely roam around in to make whatever time interval we decide on worth it.

Deathmatach Event

Altering the amount of area we can fight in, setting up secret stashes of supplies on the battlefield, obstacles, blockades, barricades, sniper towers, etc

Team Deathmatch

Join up with a few friends and take on other teams in a pre-determined area of the map, several locations can be chosen from. Secret stash’s of supplies on the battlefield, obstacles, blockades, barricades, sniper towers, etc

King of The Hill

Armed with a armor/weapon kit of your choice, attempt to be the last man standing over the fight of a particular military / geographical / or “fill in blank here” location

Death Races Challenge

Once again, you will be able to start with different starting gear from a pool of gear kits, basic examples, like tank, recon, assault, medic, hybrid, etc. We may do multiple types of races, road, cross country, possibly marked off by spikes, barricades, etc, perhaps a few wood crate surprises hiding along the way. This sounds like a live combat challenge to me, or perhaps team up, of course until you and your “team” suddenly see the finish line….

Struture Building Event

Once again, you will be supplied with all the materials you can want to build your best structure, alone or with a team, judges will determine the most unique and Rust worthy building. The best structure, not necessarily raid proof, (criteria for best yet to be determined) will win the challenge.

Caveman Challenge

Who wins in a match where all you have is a rock and a bandage and a medkit? It's a free for all event, or will you decide to team, in the end , only one can win the prize.

The Hatchet / Pick Axe Challenge

Fairly self-explanatory, like the rock challenge, only with a tad more edge, Another FFA or potential quick join teams, until you’re not a team anymore.

These Challenges will either be held once a week or twice a month, depending on the time required to create the challenge on the server, if at all possible I would like to do it weekly. We shall see.

SO now what?

Well we discuss…

Does this sound interesting to anyone?

Is this something Cohh wants his name associated with? I have spoken with him and he does seem interested, but, with all things, it is best to get thing in writing and get everyone’s approval before just charging ahead.

Does he wish to stream it?

Do any other streamers wish to participate and stream these events simultaneously? (If so, we could create a community twitch page for event nights/days, just like the mafia twitch page.)

What other events can we come up with? (The more input from all of you, the better this will become, just try and think in terms of the rust engine and what can and cannot be done with it)

What other ideas can we come up with? What things? Rules? Concepts? Or any of a hundred other things have I not thought of here?

Help me to help us have a good clean fun time in Rust, beyond the good times in the persistent worlds….

Keep in mind, if this thing does move forward, I may or will require help, other players who wish to join me in building, creating, designing, admining, judging, thinking, etc

And, as always, last and final word on all things ends with Cohh.

That Being said, I look forward to hearing any thoughts and ideas.

