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LFG CS:GO (I ranked up to DMG)

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 10:02 am
by natedotnicholls
looking for a few teammates to play csgo compi am currently silver elite and i do play alot (im not entirely bad i was deranked from nova) i Live in the uk so Ping may be a problem if you live out of Europe, ingame comms will most likely be used. Also my steam is send me an invite and a message or reply on this forum if you want to play with me.

I am now DMG If you still wanna play hit me up I will invite if we have spaces in a game.

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 5:49 pm
by RatedMForMeaty
I could join if you're desperate for members. I say desperate because let's just put it like this; I don't have a positive K/D ratio :p

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 7:23 pm
by natedotnicholls
ratedmformeaty wrote:I could join if you're desperate for members. I say desperate because let's just put it like this; I don't have a positive K/D ratio :p
What rank are you buddy? If youre silver 3 or below i might have to let you go (not harshly i just don't want to lose a lot of games) also k/d doesn't really matter as long as u have good communication and positioning skills

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 8:07 am
by RatedMForMeaty
Yeah, might wanna let me go based on ranks then :) Haha I play competitively but usually in a party with equally unskilled friends so, I usually take it as a laugh :p Sorry Man

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 10:36 pm
by dommmination
ratedmformeaty wrote:Yeah, might wanna let me go based on ranks then :) Haha I play competitively but usually in a party with equally unskilled friends so, I usually take it as a laugh :p Sorry Man
you can play with me... im still a noob at this game in particular but im an fps veteran. We can get better together until mr competitve over here actually wants to play with us haha :P

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 8:58 am
by natedotnicholls
dommmination wrote:you can play with me... im still a noob at this game in particular but im an fps veteran. We can get better together until mr competitve over here actually wants to play with us haha :p
hahha yeah i like to play competitively sorry XD anyway im nova now yay

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 3:28 am
by The_Faceless_Void
I just sent you an invite Natedotnicholls. Im currently Gold nova 1 and it's been real hard to find people to play with.

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 12:37 pm
by natedotnicholls
[QUOTE="the_faceless_void, post: 28179, member: 28939"]I just sent you an invite Natedotnicholls. Im currently Gold nova 1 and it's been real hard to find people to play with.[/QUOTE]

Oh i forgot about this thread ;/ I am so so sorry i am now DMG i have been playing alot

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 10:39 am
by pandayo
My lowest account is LE, so if you wanna play a round, just shoot me a notice here :)
Oh, and I am from germany, so EU West should be okay, I think ;)

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 7:41 pm
by Occamshaver
[QUOTE="ratedmformeaty, post: 18460, member: 17275"]Yeah, might wanna let me go based on ranks then :) Haha I play competitively but usually in a party with equally unskilled friends so, I usually take it as a laugh :p Sorry Man[/QUOTE]

Lol do you still play ratedmformeaty? I'm rather nooblike due to not having enough time to practise during first year at uni, would be nice to try and improve while not worrying about getting others deranked :D I'm in UK, comms is one thing I can do though :cool: