Channel Chat/Stream Chat Rules
Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 3:26 am
We like to keep it as respectful and mature as possible here on the CohhCarnage channel. These rules apply to the streaming chat channel, as well as the forums and all of our gameserver chat.
Mods have been instructed to completely clear the following, however:
1. No racist, homophobic, or otherwise socially derogatory words.
2. We try to keep the stream language "clean" and SFW. SFW basically means no F-bombs, racial slurs, homophobic slurs or insanely gruesome/grotesque terminology. SFW basically means act like you're talking to a co-worker around the water cooler in a polite workplace.
3. Please attempt to be courteous, helpful, and respectful as much as possible.
4. Opinions are welcome, please be respectful of them. Lets keep religion/politics and PCvsXboxvsPlaystation out of the chat or discussed respectfully
5. Please keep talk of "Piracy" (Illegally downloading content) out of chat, the same applies to openly announcing that you're using Adblock.
6. Do not spam the channel unnecessarily (at the determination of the moderation team), or with capital letters or use of ASCII. This includes anything perceived as inciting spam. Including but not limited to Golden Kappa Checks, multi-line emotes, and asking for people to press a particular number, etc. Cohh tries to read and respond to as many comments as possible, and it becomes much harder when the questions are being spammed off his screen! (For clarity phone Emoji's count as ASCII)
7. Please respect and understand that even though we have many giveaways in the channel and a remarkably large amount of generous community members, we ask that those participating do not ask for/request giveaways or games from other members of our channel. The giveaways are a bonus; not a purpose.
8. Do not post Steam/Origin game keys in the twitch chat. If you want to give a game away, ask for a moderator in chat.
9. Do not spam commands, especially !enter and !claim. Repeated violations may lead you being timed out and missing a giveaway.
10. Links are welcome here in the chat if it is helpful, relevant, and SFW. Please have accompanying text to describe the link contents and don't use shortened or very long links. No random Strawpolls please. Referral links are not allowed.
11. Cohh loves interacting with chat & viewers, so please try to keep conversations in English! Thanks for understanding.
12. No advertisement of any kind, you can discuss and link games and the like if they are relevant to a topic at hand though, as long as these links don't include referrals.
13. No spoilers. Spoilers indicate information that would give away parts or all of a story plot, outcome of an achievement, or otherwise information that is different from tips regarding game mechanics. Providing tips and suggestions purely about game mechanics without revealing the outcome or plot of a game (often referred to as 'backseat gaming') is fine though.
This rule also applies to topics unrelated to the played game, as well as 'fake' spoilers. Even if the topic is not a game, but instead for example a new movie or book that just came out, don't spoil endings and the like for other viewers and chat users.
14. Any confirmation of a bot or script used in the channel in any way and / or used to enter or claim giveaways will result in a warning to disable the material in question followed by a permanent ban on the account in question.
15. Stating your age as under 13 will result in a purge. As a reminder you must be at least 13 to use Twitch, as per the Twitch Terms of Service
16. Any attempt to name change for personal advertising purposes or by using a name that is against channel rules, while on discord, will result in a warning, further violations will result in a BAN from ALL systems.
17. We would like to gently remind people that 'trauma dumping' is not allowed in chat. Our community is here to help people feel welcome, cozy, and secure and 'trauma dumping' could possibly traumatize them as well.
18. Please note that neither the mods nor chat are trained in mental health therapy, counseling, or medical advice; we urge those needing help to seek out a qualified professional. We would also like chat to please remain free of these topics and medical discussions.
Note: Rules subject to change in the future as the channel staff see's fit.
Mods have been instructed to completely clear the following, however:
1. No racist, homophobic, or otherwise socially derogatory words.
2. We try to keep the stream language "clean" and SFW. SFW basically means no F-bombs, racial slurs, homophobic slurs or insanely gruesome/grotesque terminology. SFW basically means act like you're talking to a co-worker around the water cooler in a polite workplace.
3. Please attempt to be courteous, helpful, and respectful as much as possible.
4. Opinions are welcome, please be respectful of them. Lets keep religion/politics and PCvsXboxvsPlaystation out of the chat or discussed respectfully
5. Please keep talk of "Piracy" (Illegally downloading content) out of chat, the same applies to openly announcing that you're using Adblock.
6. Do not spam the channel unnecessarily (at the determination of the moderation team), or with capital letters or use of ASCII. This includes anything perceived as inciting spam. Including but not limited to Golden Kappa Checks, multi-line emotes, and asking for people to press a particular number, etc. Cohh tries to read and respond to as many comments as possible, and it becomes much harder when the questions are being spammed off his screen! (For clarity phone Emoji's count as ASCII)
7. Please respect and understand that even though we have many giveaways in the channel and a remarkably large amount of generous community members, we ask that those participating do not ask for/request giveaways or games from other members of our channel. The giveaways are a bonus; not a purpose.
8. Do not post Steam/Origin game keys in the twitch chat. If you want to give a game away, ask for a moderator in chat.
9. Do not spam commands, especially !enter and !claim. Repeated violations may lead you being timed out and missing a giveaway.
10. Links are welcome here in the chat if it is helpful, relevant, and SFW. Please have accompanying text to describe the link contents and don't use shortened or very long links. No random Strawpolls please. Referral links are not allowed.
11. Cohh loves interacting with chat & viewers, so please try to keep conversations in English! Thanks for understanding.
12. No advertisement of any kind, you can discuss and link games and the like if they are relevant to a topic at hand though, as long as these links don't include referrals.
13. No spoilers. Spoilers indicate information that would give away parts or all of a story plot, outcome of an achievement, or otherwise information that is different from tips regarding game mechanics. Providing tips and suggestions purely about game mechanics without revealing the outcome or plot of a game (often referred to as 'backseat gaming') is fine though.
This rule also applies to topics unrelated to the played game, as well as 'fake' spoilers. Even if the topic is not a game, but instead for example a new movie or book that just came out, don't spoil endings and the like for other viewers and chat users.
14. Any confirmation of a bot or script used in the channel in any way and / or used to enter or claim giveaways will result in a warning to disable the material in question followed by a permanent ban on the account in question.
15. Stating your age as under 13 will result in a purge. As a reminder you must be at least 13 to use Twitch, as per the Twitch Terms of Service
16. Any attempt to name change for personal advertising purposes or by using a name that is against channel rules, while on discord, will result in a warning, further violations will result in a BAN from ALL systems.
17. We would like to gently remind people that 'trauma dumping' is not allowed in chat. Our community is here to help people feel welcome, cozy, and secure and 'trauma dumping' could possibly traumatize them as well.
18. Please note that neither the mods nor chat are trained in mental health therapy, counseling, or medical advice; we urge those needing help to seek out a qualified professional. We would also like chat to please remain free of these topics and medical discussions.
Note: Rules subject to change in the future as the channel staff see's fit.