Hello dear forum, it's me, the weirdo.

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It is I, the Troll King's wise adviser - Lindarin. Getting a bit serious though.

Who am I?
My real name is Aleks (yes, with KS) and it's amazing how many people cringe and think I'm fooling with them when I tell them that. It's actually fun, since that's just how it is written.

How old am I?
Physically, I'm in my twenties, although looking at my hair, I sometimes think I'm in my thirties, while mentally I'm a teenager, or rather, a 80s kid gamer by heart.

Where am I from?
Originally, I am from a fairly weird part of Europe (according to a certain group of europeans). Currently, I am living abroad as I study my master's degree in IT management and Innovation in Sweden.

What have I been up to lately?
During the summer, I have been studying Swedish. Now that the summer is coming to an end, I'm going back to my autumn semester in university for my master's degree. Recently in my spare time I watch Cohh and chill in chat, but occasionally only lurk if I'm drunk and not wish to mess up things. I also watch other streamers but since I'm not payed by them for advertising (cohhHue), I'm not calling them out. In terms of game taste - I don't favor any over the other. Although I have played mostly MMOs in my life it's simply because of the opportunities it gave me to meet fun people.

Will I write more on the forums?
To be fair, I am not fond of forums, I have never liked the whole idea of writing a post and then who knows when there will be a reply (if any). I prefer communicating with people in real-time. I may occasionally write a reply or two on the forum, but it's more likely I'll just lurk (if that even exists).

Is there anything I want to say to the folks on the forum?

I'm weird and eccentric in my way of using metaphors - be prepared for a dark twist with a drop of humor in my messages.


P.S. Holy barbecued cow, this post felt like a page from an exchange diary ... you know, those weird things from the early 90s that was "fun" to do ... until we started drawing certain Florida state-like figures on the pages?
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Welcome to the Forums \o/
<3 Isn't every part of Europe weird to another part of Europe? :D
We discriminate all parts same cohhFail lol
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[QUOTE="Lindarin, post: 36658, member: 41878"]Will I write more on the forums?
To be fair, I am not fond of forums, I have never liked the whole idea of writing a post and then who knows when there will be a reply (if any). I prefer communicating with people in real-time. I may occasionally write a reply or two on the forum, but it's more likely I'll just lurk (if that even exists).[/QUOTE]

This is totally the opposite for me. I'm not really fond of chats. I prefer forums. That's why I don't join Cohh's Curse and, probably, never will. Twitch chat is different, I let it slide. If I can, I prefer to hop on some voice chat like TeamSpeak3 (well, I'm hosting my server for like 6 years now).

Actually, I kind of lied about chats - I'm actively using IRC and if Curse had IRC gateway then I'd probably join it. :)
"My senses are so powerful that I can hear the blood pumping through your veins."
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Hi, weirdness is encouraged in the forums and chat, you'll fit in fine.
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Hello! We here in America think all of Europe is strange :) . To this day it is still really a strange thought to go for a lunch in a different country. To get to the next state over is a multi hour trip for me. What kind of job are you hoping to get with the "IT management and Innovation"? Cheers!
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