Metro Exodus Automatic Save backup tool (batch file)

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Hey everyone!! I've had a few save issues in Metro Exodus, and Cohh has his issue, so I edited a batch file I made a while back for dark souls 3
You'll have to edit it for your needs, but should be easy enough.
Things you'll have to change:

Code: Select all

set backup="E:\GameSaves"
Will need to have E:\GameSaves changed to where you want the saves kept

Code: Select all

set metroID=76561197961457604
I'm not sure if this will be the same for everyone, but inside of your C:\Users\%username%\Saved Games\metro exodus\ folder there will be a folder full of numbers, copy that number down and place it here.

Here is the code, copy and paste this in to notepad and save it as something like "Metro Exodus Save Backup.cmd" you can name it whatever you want, just make sure the entire name is in " and it ends in .cmd

To use, after you have it saved, just double click on it and it should start working, might need to run it as admin depending on where you have the saves being saved.

What it does, is copies the saves to the directory you specify every hour, keeping a total of 6 copies, with "current" being of course the most current one, and going from 1 to 5, 1 being the next newest and 5 being the oldest.

If you have any issues with it, just let me know and I can try troubleshooting it with you.

If you want to change how often it backs up, change 3600 in the line that reads "timeout 3600 /nobreak" to however long in seconds you want.

Code: Select all

@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
echo Starting backup, to stop backups, just close this window.
::#Metro Exodus Save Backup   ##
::#This will save a total of    ##
::#6 backups of your Metro Exodus save   ##
::#to a location of your choice ##

::Sets the location you want your backups to be saved
set backup="E:\GameSaves"

::To find this number, go to C:\Users\%username%\Saved Games\metro exodus\ copy down the folder name, mine was 76561197961457604 and place it after the metroID= below
set gameid=ME
set metroID=76561197961457604

::Renames previous backups if they exist.
cd "%backup%\%gameid%"
if exist 5 ren 5 6
if exist 4 ren 4 5
if exist 3 ren 3 4
if exist 2 ren 2 3
if exist 1 ren 1 2
if exist current ren current 1
if exist 6 rd /q /s 6

::does the actual backup
robocopy "C:\Users\%username%\Saved Games\metro exodus\%metroID%" "%backup%\%gameid%\current" /s
echo Backups started, to stop backups, just close this window.
timeout 3600 /nobreak
goto start
goto end

echo you should not be here.
I found a small issue that I corrected, (didn't upload the most current version, preventing the script from actually doing its job) also cleaned up some of the comments so they don't throw errors.
If you've downloaded before this message was added, Please redownload!!
Last edited by Si_Cwan on Sat Feb 16, 2019 6:27 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Thank u dude :cohhGV:
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Nice! Thanks.
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Great tool! Thanks man!
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Si_Cwan wrote: Sat Feb 16, 2019 4:09 pm
##To find this number, go to C:\Users\%username%\Saved Games\metro exodus\ copy down the folder name, 76561197961457604 and place
##it after the metroID= below
set metroID=76561197961457604
Awesome work! :cohhGG:
Just wanted to point out this is your steam profile ID.
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If he has enough hard disk space why not setup shadow copy to work for whole volume or use the faking volume to shadow copy only the folder?
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finappleworm wrote: Sat Feb 16, 2019 5:32 pm If he has enough hard disk space why not setup shadow copy to work for whole volume or use the faking volume to shadow copy only the folder?
Shadow copies are terrible to setup in my experience, and to the average joe, a pain to recover from.
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Not that hard if you setup for the whole drive and have enough free hard drive space. It only copies changed bits, so small change in file doesn't use that much space. In the long run if you can backup your whole drive easily without problems is in my mind the best way.
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