(Windows Only)
We start by making a new text document/notepad document on your desktop. This can be done by either right clicking and making a new one, or simply starting notepad from the run command.
(Winkey + R > "notepad" > Enter)
If you've installed the game to the default location like I have, simply copy paste the following into the text document now open:
Code: Select all
set /p answer=Do you want to clear your cache? (Y/N)
if /i "%answer:~,1%" EQU "Y" goto cache
if /i "%answer:~,1%" EQU "N" goto game
rmdir /s /q "C:\Users\Public\Sony Online Entertainment\Installed Games\EverQuest Next Landmark\Cache"
echo Directory Removed
goto game
start "" "C:\Users\Public\Sony Online Entertainment\Installed Games\EverQuest Next Landmark\LaunchPad.exe"
Change the "Save as type..." to "All Files", and the file name to "EQNL CClear and Run.bat"
(NOTE: MUST include the '.bat' to the end of the file name.)
Choose your desktop as the save location, and save.
When this bat file is run, you'll be inquired to type 'y' or 'n' to clear your cache, hit enter, then the game will run on it's own for you.