Need help with a place to live.

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Joined: Fri Mar 04, 2022 7:21 pm

Hey guys, I originally posted this in the general chat of the Discord. Cohh and a bunch of other amazing helpful people suggested I post here so that more people could see.

I know this is super random, and might be a little weird. But my fiancé and I have no other choice at this point. I'm mostly a lurker and don't talk much in chat in stream but I've been a part of the community for a a year or so and my fiancé has been here for years. I feel terrible and weird for asking this but I don't know what else to do. Does anyone here or in Cohh's community have a spare room they could rent out to my fiancé and I? We previously lived with my mother but she passed last year and we have been bouncing around in hotels in 6 different states because we can't find an affordable place to live. We have almost used all of our savings and the only thing I can think to do left is buy a tent and find somewhere in the woods. I know this is a lot to ask and very weird but you guys are incredible people and I figured it would be better to try and ask than to do nothing. If anyone has ANYTHING that would be able to help us you can send me a message or anything or whatever, we're lost and don't know what to do. I don't have family left, and my fiance was adopted so she doesn't talk to her family. My fiance is an artist and has had an Etsy for years, also a partnered Twitch streamer that does Art, but she hasn't been able to do what she loves and do really any art recently and hasn't streamed in years because of our situation. I am totally willing to be 100% open to anyone willing to help. Just don't want to throw random personal info out in a general chat. But just message me if you have anything to say. I hope this isn't against the rules or anything either. I just don't know what else to do. Thank you all for being amazing people anyways in Twitch chat all the time. Sorry again

In America, currently New York but can relocate anywhere that we can find a place to live

That's basically the situation in a small, brief explanation. I will definitely be willing to tell every detail about our situation to anyone who is willing to help in person messages. I just don't want to put too much personal info out. We have enough money to stay in this hotel for 4 more nights and then I will have to make the decision to buy a tent and find a place to set up.

Thank you to all of you amazing people, and thank you for even reading this post.
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