GoFundMe for Father's Passing

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Joined: Sat Mar 30, 2019 1:51 am

I apologize if this isn't allowed here, but I wanted to post this here in hopes to get some support during a tough time in our family.

GoFundMe Link:


My father was a very huge fan of Cohh. I started watching Cohh due to my dad talking about the various games he would play alongside him. I got him a beanie and everything because he really loved being involved with watching. I am not sure if he talked much in the community, but he watched quite often for 5+ years.

Sadly, my father also suffered with depression his entire life. Watching streams I feel helped him through the hard times, helped him decompress after a long day and laugh at the silly things that Cohh and other streamers would get up to.

On Monday, unfortunately he lost the battle to depression. I got a text message I never wished to get in my lifetime. Losing my father by his own hand at 28 has been very difficult for me to process. Even worse, his financial situation was not doing well also, so in order for me to claim what he has left for me, I will need to seek legal help with the probate situation.

I don't know if anyone will see this, but any amount of money will help my family and I tremendously. We are still grieving and processing what happened, but sadly there are things we must take care of before we can fully move on and grieve.

Thank you Cohh and the Community for all the good times you offered my father and I. This community will always have a soft spot in my heart, knowing that my father was able to enjoy so many good time here.
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