Guild Bank

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Joined: Wed Jul 30, 2014 10:38 am

Return of the Ancients now has a guild bank account. All items donated to the guild bank will be used to help equip MAIN CHARACTERS. If you would like to donate something to the guild bank or receive an item please get with Asstaroth, Cohhcarnage, or Tiddliewinks and they can log in one of the several guild banks characters across Norrath.

Please keep in mind that if you receive and item from the guild bank and then "out grow" said item. Either GIVE it to another GUILDIE so that they can grow, or return it to the guild bank and we will reissue the item.

ALSO, there will be times with the bank becomes over full or we end up with multiple items of the same kind. When this occurs the Guild bank operators will sell items in order to generate funds to purchase guidlies better items.

If you have any questions please get with one of the officers in game.
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Joined: Sat May 10, 2014 3:09 pm

Do you think we could get an inventory of the guild bank stickied? Also can we donate plat/krono to help out?
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