Mixer to PC setup help

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Posts: 36
Joined: Fri Apr 17, 2015 4:26 pm
Location: Sweden

Hello so i am using a Yamaha MG10XU and i am whondering how to inprove the setup so to say Right now i cant change my Samplet Rate from the base 44.1 kHz (Buffer Size 512) i am sorft of lockt at that setting and get no signal if i change it. i am asking for the purpers of learning how it works and whay and so. I whant to bacislia learn how to use my mixer more or what it can do and the change that whode maby do

Headphons (Sennheiser HD700) goes in to the PHONES jack on the right side

And Mic in the 1 mic jack left side

Then the signal goes whed USB 2.0 to the PC

So what whode be difrent for me if i ust the LINE jacks for a signal in to the motherbord sound card ? IF i even can do that i dont know

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