Offline Chat Rules Changes

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Joined: Wed May 21, 2014 6:12 pm

Sun Aug 01, 2021 8:11 pm

Hi, everyone!

For a long time our channel has had a really great live stream chat flow, with most people understanding the rules and everyone enjoying the atmosphere our viewers can expect with good chat moderation. Also for a long time we have had rules for our offline chat that were much more relaxed.

Unfortunately, that relaxed offline chat will need to change.

Due to offline chat sometimes turning into something we'd rather it not with heated discussions about politics, religion, and other such topics not allowed during live streams we will now be changing the rules for offline chat.

Starting today, August 1st, offline chat rules will be the same as live chat rules. We are making this change to benefit everyone and keep the chat in our channel Happy, Helpful, and Respectful.

If you have any questions please direct them to theb0atman or any of the mod team.

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