Zero Trick Helper

Cohhilition information for our arm in Final Fantasy XIV!
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Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Sep 02, 2013 7:01 pm
Location: Maine

Tue Sep 03, 2013 1:34 am

Alright so I'm fairly new here, and I figured as my first helpful post what could be better than a useful tool? Hopefully this is the correct place for this kind of thing, since it's FFXIV related.

Ever since the early access launch happened, and we've been plagued by these annoying server issues, I've been working on a little piece of java code that will perform the zero trick for you. Literally that's all it does. But for someone who can wait upwards of an hour or two to get logged in, it can be a life (and wrist!) saver.

It's customizable, so even if you've changed your Confirm key in your keybinds you can still use it; you just need to set it to the right key.

There's a full readme.txt attached and I would suggest giving it a read before using the helper.

It's all written in java code, and if anyone's interested I'll even include a link to the source for it that is hosted on my github, if there are any java/programming nuts out there you can always confirm it's what I say it is if you're suspicious.

I've included a adfly link and a direct download, so if you find the idea to be helpful in some way I would really appreciate if you use the adfly link, though either one is fine (:

I'm not sure how much use this will get, if any, since Square claims they'll be fixing the issue in the next day or so, but it may be of use sometime in the future so use it however you would like, just remember (as it states in the readme.txt) this program is provided as is, with no guarantee, or warranty on my part. I just wrote it, use it correctly and it shouldn't cause any issues.

adfly link -
direct download link - ...
github source code -

I hope this helps and prevents some headaches from this shaky launch!
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