Battle Gear Stat Caps + Stat Cap Trends (Mr.Happy)

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Sat Nov 02, 2013 7:54 pm

Materia Stat Caps (ilvl 55+)

Hey guys, Mrhappy here and today we’re going to be talking about stat caps for materia on gear. Now because I could make this video extremely long, I am going to make this video solely about BATTLE classes and their gear. The goal here is not to identify exactly what pieces have which stat caps, but to establish a reliable formula that players may use as reference in the future. We will be looking at the current trends of multiple item levels of gear and make note of them so that players can identify stat caps on this gear should they need to. Personally, I think Square Enix should add something in-game to help with the identity, but that takes away some of the fun so lets move on!

For Reference:
-”Main Stats” = Strength, Dexterity, Mind and Intelligence.
-Vitality and Piety will be mentioned separately.
-The term “HQ” will be used to identify High Quality items, items that have higher base stats than their original crafted counterparts.
-The amount of materia that can be melded to a single piece is 5. I won’t be referencing this much during the video, but just incase anyone viewing this was not aware.

-HQ items Determine several stat caps. Always determine stat caps for main damage stat and VIT. Can similarly determine stat caps for ACC/CRIT/DET/sSpeed. However, some rules apply.

-STR/DEX/INT/MND all share a cap. If you have 20 STR in an HQ Body piece, and you try to meld DEX, you will be capped at 20.

-VIT Cap will always be a few points higher after level 50. As iLvl increases post ilvl 55, the gap between VIT and a main damage stat increases. For different pieces and different roles you will see different increases. For example between two ilvl70 pieces, Vanya’s Sash of Healing has 9VIT/9MND while Darksteel Tassets have 10VIT/9STR. Another example is the HQ Vanya Bodies, which have 20 VIT while HQ physical DPS bodies have +22. Looking at ilvl90 gear from coil or mythology points, the above trend seems to continue.

-PIE Cap patterns change between certain pieces. At ilvl 70, (Body/legs) have 3 less PIE than main stat (MND/INT) in all other pieces, armor and accessories, the stat cap is only 1 less than MND/INT.

-Determination Cap on main armor pieces (head/body/hands/legs/feet) is approximately 66% of the highest stat possible.

-Determination cap in accessories (belt/neck/earring/wrist/rings) appears to always be 4 under the stat cap for other stats. Examples: Spinel Ring HQ Det cap = 6, all other caps = 10, HQ Imperial Operative Bracelets DET = 7, all other stats 11, and Gryphonskin HQ ring, DET = 8, all other stats = 12. We’ll see if this remains consistent at higher ilvls when more available craftings sets are released.

-Accuracy, Spell Speed, Skill Speed and Critical Hit Rate all share the same stat caps on all gear, based on the individual piece itself.

Determining stat caps on HQ pieces of gear can be quite tricky, as not all of them are set in stone. However, we can use the above rules to figure them out. For example, if a piece has 18 Determination and 18 Skill Speed on it, then you know Skill Speed isn’t stat capped because it should be rightfully 33% higher than Determination, putting it at 27. Likewise, if a piece has, lets say, 27 accuracy and 13 determination, then you know determination is not capped because it should be @ 66% of 27, which is 18. Should a piece have 27 accuracy and 13 skill speed, you can rightfully say that the skill speed also caps at 27, matching accuracy.

-However, it seems that on caster gear, the vitality values after ilvl 55 are still matching the main stat values, so we’ll have to wait for higher item levels to see if this trend only applies to physical damage dealers and tanks and if VIT will ever go higher for casters.
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