Building my first gaming pc!

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Hi everyone, so i always was - and will be - a puny console gamer :p and I just finished college recently and now I've gotten on my feet and can actually afford a gaming rig as they say! I have almost 0 knowledge about the components of and I really can not judge which parts are better and what would fit better with what. I'd like to get a gaming system that will last me for the next 3-4years playing ALL games at max resolution if I can get that.

My budget is in the range of 1500 USD, I can afford more than that if it would make that much more better synergy between the parts. I have my brother going to the US for the next month so he can get me all the stuff from there, else amazon can really get me the stuff I dont mind paying a bit more for transport.
The monitor will be out of the budget since I already need one and am getting it anyway, however my question is what size would be best? I always - playing on ps- having been playing on a 40ish inch TV but I see that most gamers use a smaller screen, I will be using 1 screen and wont be streaming or anything so cant make use of the other.

as far as overclocking and thing I really know nothing about these things, would like to have the option to do that later when I get the info and how to use it.

thanks a lot for your help :)
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first of all, in what country do you live in because some stuff may be hard to take home from the us(like chassis since they are big,bulky and heavy). the reason that gamers use smaller screens is that one: its hard to use mouse+keyboard from a sofa and not everygame supports a controller. next up the computer screens often have lower inputlag than the tv's. Running 1080p on that budget wont be a problem but it might be if you expect to run at max settings all time. for that money i think you can run ALL GAMES 1080p max settings the first year or two but then you might want to step down to medium/high(depending on the game ofc). i have to go now but i will try to answer the question when i get home in a couple of hours. have a great one
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well I am from Saudi arabia, but after talking with my brother he said it would be best to buy them off amazon or similar sites cuz due to the small weight the shipment wouldnt be a problem.

regarding the budget how much would u say a high end pc would cost more? 2k maybe? as well what better setting that 1080p would you think I should have, I see the higher reslution TVs and they have REALLY choppy frame rate, at least on my xbone forza, it really looks ugly. not sure what the output of the xbone is -i think it is limited to 1080p- but when i plugged in my xbone to my brothers Sony it really didnt look so good.

so I am thinking about maybe 26 - 32 inch screen, it will be out of the budget for I am buying it anyway and already saved the money for that.
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your console doesnt look so good because one it may be 720p and if it ísnt it is 1080p low fps(plus the textures maybe arent that good quality). and adding to that the bigger resolution the smaller ppi(pixels per inch).which makes it look even blockier. well however since you like big screens and high res i would recommend a 27 inch 2560*1440. it is the highest res without spending millions of dollars.'
ok here is my build got to sleep now, if you have any questions ask away
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