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Joined: Thu Jun 30, 2016 1:19 pm
Location: Indiana

Long time lurker, first time poster. I'm a 34 year old high school librarian from southern Indiana. Fun fact, 15 year old me would be out of breath from laughing at that last sentence. Then he'd probably say something unpleasant about my shirt. Man, that guy was a punk. :rolleyes:

Anyway, like anyone else who has posted here, I'm a fan of Cohh, the mods, and the community established here and I wanted to step up my involvement in it.

Fact Sheet:
Status: Married
Kids: 2 cats, that's enough
Top few favorite (recognizable) books: Alice in Wonderland, Neverwhere, Name of the Wind, and Ready Player One
Gaming Tendencies: Fantasy RPGs, FPS, 2D Fighters, and nearly anything else with a solid card collection/deck management system

I also started a weekly storytelling podcast for kids last summer called Two Part Tales. It's currently on a brief hiatus as my wife and I settle into a new home, but it should be starting back up around mid-August. I write, narrate, and produce it all in-house, which has been a fun learning curve. If anyone has kids from around 4-11 years old, there's probably something for them in the archives. I'll leave the iTunes link here ( ... 26507?mt=2) but you can find us on most social media platforms by searching for Two Part Tales.

Thanks for being awesome humans. I look forward to getting to know you more.
CJ / Funkapotamu5
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Welcome to the Cohhmunity \o/
Who needs kids if he has 2 cats? Had to laugh there :D
I will definitely listen to your podcasts. I'm really curious!
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Welcome to the Cohhilition! Suddenly a wild librarian appears!

What's your favorite rpg?
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Location: Central Virginia, USA

Welcome! Good choice of books there! :D
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Joined: Thu Jun 30, 2016 1:19 pm
Location: Indiana

Picking a favorite RPG is tough, so let's see what some rambling can accomplish...

Final Fantasy 6 comes to mind first, as it was the first rpg to make me care about characters, their development, and was my initial experience with min/maxing to any degree. I played it annually for a number of years, which I can't say about any other games, so I think it takes the title. However, FF:7 got a good deal of hours in middle school as it became the first game I played through with different challenge runs against friends (fastest time, full gold chocobo stables, only use characters x,y,z, etc.) And to round out that series, FF:1 is close to my heart, as it was probably the first RPG I ever sat down and beat as a kid.

So that's one franchise...

Hastier Honorable Mentions include: The Elder Scrolls (favoring Skyrim for story, Oblivion for combat, and Morrowind for its construction kit at the time), any and all Black Isle CRPGs, Mass Effect, Dragon Age (1, I still need to play 2 and Inq.), and I feel like I'm leaving out a few dozen other important games; I haven't had coffee yet.

Feel free to remind me of what I'm forgetting! :)

*EDIT* - Forgot about the 1,000+ hours I've put in Diablo 3. I guess it's more of a lifestyle than game.
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Joined: Fri Feb 06, 2015 10:51 am
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Hello and welcome!
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