I wondered if you would be interested in a little private Cohhilition For Honor Beta tournament.
As its a Game that is soon to be released and still in Beta, everyone hasn't much experience in it and its all about the fun and non experienced Players can join in right away.
Rules are still tba, but I can think of something like this:
1. play with KB+M (yes, i know controller seems to be easier but not everyone owns a controller

2. NO CUSTOM ITEMS (no weapon attachments nothing. Just standard Hero template)
3. Game-mode: Dominion, Custom-Game 4v4, "Bridge" - Sunshine (map could change going up the brackets)
4. Best of 3 rounds to win a Bracket
5. in case of Beta Bugs (like players dc'ing, stuck in animation, unable to move, excessive lags) players have to communicate the issue and the round has to be restarted.
6. place to meet would be in one of the For Honor Curse-groups
7. if a player doesn't show up at match-day / +15 min of match-time a 2v2 - best of 3 on the same map will be played instead. (because 4v4 dominion would fill the empty spots with bots) <- suggestions on how to solve that are appreciated.
8. At the end of EACH ROUND (!) a screenshot has to be taken to confirm the Victory of your team. (be sure to take one of the end scoreboard. That makes 3 per Match for a Bracket.
And whats in for you?
Well, fun! - winning Tokens isn't a good idea i think, as the Game is still in Beta! This is a Test run to see if maybe we could make it a reoccurring Season-Tournament once the Game releases and enough players of the Cohhilition are interested. Maybe we even could have some more prizes to win later on

If we don't get enough people to build a 4 v 4 bracket we'll evaluate if we're going for a 1v1 Tournament. This Thread is only to collect names of those who would theoretically be interested right now and all of it is still subject to change.
List your name below, if you want to partake!

Suggestions are very welcome!
Thanks for reading, see you around!