Your name, your claim!

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Posts: 46
Joined: Fri Sep 13, 2013 11:31 am

Let's visit each other and see where the Cohhilition is spreading out in the Landmark world. Just post your in-game name and where your current claim is located (Server, Continent and /loc coordinates or image) like this:

Name: Yakobu
Server: Satisfaction (EU)
Continent: Tableland (Tier 3)
Coordinates: XX, YY, ZZ

If you even have built something nice, just mention it so people know. Will update with my own information soon (haven't build anything yet though).
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Well, why not =3 But I think a pic with position is better than coords ;)

Name: Hitero
Server: Serenity
Continent: Tableland (Tier 3)
Coordinates: 708.54, 971.40, 2886,18

feel free to pay a visit ;P
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Name: Hadez
Server: Serenity
Continent: Hoodoo (Tier 3)
Coordinates: Directly north of the Portal

Still working on this...
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