Evil Fairies Pocket Guide to Rust

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Welcome to this little guide thread. For those of you who have played Legacy Rust, welcome back! Many things have changed. To our new fellow members who play Rust for the first time Hello and Great to see you!

Rust is a survival game with a mix of FPS, Survival, Crafting and Building elements.

There is no defined goal, other than surviving and enjoying the time you spend in the game, as such many paths of how to play the game are possible and enjoyable, depending on your preferred playstyle, maybe your mood or what you want to achieve in the game.

This guide is by no means a way to show the only or best way of playing. It is an assortment of tips and guidelines that feel very easy to me personally and intended as a way to give you an understanding of how the game works, not an attempt to min/max your progress in any way.

1) Joining the Server(s)

At the time of this post (27th December 2014) we have a very high token requirement to join (1,5k for subs, 3k for nonsubs) which might change in the future, as the server(s) gets adapted and the limits lowered. The server is whitelisted, so unless you get added to this whitelist you will be kicked upon joining the server. This ensures to have a way to avoid cheaters that are an inherent evil of public servers, and control the population of the server somewhat.

If you have the tokens and would like to get whitelisted check here, also the current server names and other useful infos can be found there


Please make your In Game Name the same as your Twitch name

2) Starting the Game, First Steps

Once you start up Rust, you have the option to pick between "Play Rust" and "Play Legacy"
In order to join our new Cohhilition server you need to pick "Play Rust" , after another window where you can set your preferred graphic options the actual game window will show up.


You can join the servers by hitting Start Game, going to the server browser and looking through all the Modded Servers till you find the "The Cohhilition | Whitelist" one.

Our second server is currently named "The Cohhilition 2 | Whitelist"

Option 1: Server Browser

Option 2: Console Command
See the whitelist page for the console command!

Once that is done, the game will start to load up. As our map is quite big it will take several minutes to load. If you connected via the console, you can hit F1 again, to close it down, and then just wait for the game to load.

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You will usually start dead or asleep. Depending on the situation you left the game.

In Rust your character always stays in the game, even if you log out of the game. This means, if you want to keep your items and stay alive, you will want to create a save place to logout.

This will be our first goal in this little guide. If you are with a group, you can share your home with others, making it easier to get things done and a safe place to stay, but for this guide, I will focus on solo survival.

Hit the Respawn Button or the Wake Up Button and and you will find yourself in the gameworld.


You find your avatar in a random spot in the gameworld. We could argue that the model of your character is ugly or not, but for now thats the only one we get. No female character models either for the time being.

You start in first person view (you can switch to third person and back with F3) If you want to access your inventory, the crafting menu, or equip items on your avatar, you can open the interface with hitting Tab.

As some might consider this highly NSFW I blanked out the character model, as its the same for everyone anyways.


On the bottom right, you see your basic three stats. Food/Hunger, Thirst and your Health.
Food and thirst currently both only fill up with eating food, the health bar will start out with ~54 health and you can raise it either by waiting (slow) eating food or using medical supplies.

If any of the bars goes to 0 you will sooner or later die, with the food and thirst bars slowly depleting your health bar once they are empty. Once your health hits 0, either by getting damaged, by players or animals, radiation, cold, starvation or any of the other perils, you are dead and will have to respawn again without your items from the beginning.

Directly above these bars you will sometimes see temporary status effects. This might be a bleeding status, a wet status or crafting information when you pickup or loose items.

The next window above is the crafting menu. You can click through the tabs and it will show you the different items you can create. Every item you want to craft requires a certain amount of ressources. Once you have aquired these ressources you can simply click the item name of the item you want to make and the item will appear in your inventory. On vanilla servers there is a crafting time associated. On the cohhilition server crafting might be instant, or depending on what will be decided in the coming days, it might still take time to craft items, but will be lower than vanilla crafting times.

In the center you see your inventory. This represents your virtual backpack with all the items you carry with you. For now you can carry a high amount of items and weight does not seem to be important, so it mostly comes down to how many free slots you have, many items like wood and stones stack nearly limitless.

Directly below at the bottom center of the screen is your action- or hotbar. These are the items you can scroll through with the mousewheel or directly equip with the associated number keys. Once something is in your hand, you can then use it, either tools to gather ressources, weapons to fight or structure items to place on the map. You can drag and drop items from your hotbar to your inventory and the other way around. Make sure you always keep items you want to use quickly and a lot like tools and weapons on your hotbar, readily available if you need them.

On the left side below your avatar representation, are some item slots and statistics. Currently clothing items and armor seem to be purely cosmetic and have no effect on either of these stats.

3) Gathering Ressources - I want all the things!

Now that we went over the basics we should get going to make our life more pleasant. Being naked out in the wilderness seems like a bad place to be and we quickly want to build our poor avatar some sort of shelter.

You start out with 2 items. A rock and a torch. The rock is pretty straight forward. You leftclick in order to hit things in front of you. Ressource nodes will be slowly - very slowly - harvested, while enemies will take - who would have guessed - some minimal damage.

Lets just say it is a bad idea to go into fights with either animals or other players with just a rock.

What ressources are there?

There are several main ressources. First of all there are trees, of all shapes and sizes. Most trees, no matter if they are tiny saplings or huge oaks, except for shrubbery which does not count as a ressource node, give the same amount of wood. Snow Biome trees give twice the amount of wood a normal tree yields.


Next there are stones. All stone nodes give a certain amount of 3 ressources. First of all they give Stones, then they give Metal Ore and third they give Sulfur Ore. Depending on what type of stone you harvest each type gives more of one stone ressource than the others. Metal Rocks give more Metal ore, but will still also give Stones and Sulfur Ore in smaller amounts and so on.

Stone Rock Node

Sulfur Rock Node

Metal Rock Node

There is also a variety of animal ressources, but more on those later.
For now you want to gather some wood from any of the trees you can find, and some stones, from any of the three stone node types. Stay away from animals for now.

You will quickly notice that harvesting these nodes with just a rock gets tiresome very fast. Thats why our first item we want to craft should be a stone hatchet. The first tool that will make our life easier by giving us a vhast improvement in gathering speed.

For this we will need to acquire 200 wood and 100 stones.
Once you have the materials, you find the stone hatchet in your tools menu. Just click it once and you will craft a stone hatchet, consuming the materials and giving you the tool for them.




Equip your new stone hatchet by dragging it from your inventory to the hotbar and then selecting the corresponding key to use it. Your Rock might have served you well, but its inferior to the stone hatchet in every way so you can drop it if you like, freeing up another slot in your inventory.

From this point onward there are many paths to go. You could hunt down your first animals with a stone hatchet, chasing them down or get into fights with a wolf if you know what you are doing, but the easiest and safest way is to make a stone spear next.

A stone spear has not only better reach, but also better damage. Same process as before, gather the materials with your stone hatchet, which should work way faster, then craft a stone spear.

4) Time to Hunt - What do we hunt again?

Now equipped with a stone spear it is time to get some animal blood on our hands and progress further. What animals are there to hunt in the first place?


There are a few animals to choose from.

Chickens, Boar, Deer, Wolves and Bears are currently in the game, with Wolves and Bears somewhat aggressive once you get in range and the others running away from you once in range.

A stone spear is nice, but especially as you might be new to the game, fighting a Wolf or Bear with it, might not be the best idea for a healthy long life, so the best would be to start by finding a Boar or Deer during daytime, as nights are too unpredictable. If it is nighttime, stay near the beach and other light areas where you dont accidentally stumble into aggressive animals and farm some more wood and stone. You will need a lot of it later for sure.

Animal - Wolf

Animal - Boar

Animal - Deer

Animal - Bear
[Insert Bear Picture here]

Once you have hunted down a Boar or Deer (chase them till they change direction then get in a hit or two till they die and make sure you be careful not to chase it into other aggressive animals.

Once its down, switch to your stone hatchet and harvest the corpse. This will give you bone fragments, possibly a skull, meat and animal fat and cloth.
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5) Crafting Progression - What do I build first?

As of today (16th Feb. 2015 This progression is very outdated as the harvest amounts for tools have rather drastically changed. i'll try to make an update when I get the chance)

Once you hunted your first one or two animals, you should have enough materials to build a furnace. While a hunting bow is also a viable first option, the only way to get metal fragments and progress further is with a furnace, so I personally prioritize this over a bow, just skip the bow completely and go for a gun right away.

Bows are nice to have, as you can make ammo without using up metal fragments, but a gun is just so much better that I don't mind the extra ammo cost myself. It will take a while to smelt all the fragments, but will pay out in the long run, because a rifle will give you a lot more surviving power if you get surprised by a wolf or bear than a bow does.

From there on its just personal preference.

Either go for Hunting Bow => Furnace or go Furnace => Gun directly
After you have a gun, or at least a bow, you might want to go for a salvaged axe or hatchet

You can skip the hunting bow if you go for guns.
From there on the things you can build fan out a lot.
You can also prioritize building a home before getting the tools, but for sake of streamlining this guide I concentrate on having a furnace down first and getting some tools upgraded before focusing on house building, especially as you will want to hunt more animals for cloth to setup a sleeping bag. If you happen to find a lot of peaceful animals you can kill and get lots of wood, you can set up a basic house with a sleeping bag before upgrading to hatchet/salvaging axe and before making guns. If you want to do that you can place the furnace in your home. House building is explained farther down in this guide, so feel free to take a look there with what to start.

Hatchet or Salvaged Axe
While a salvaged axe is a lot more expensive in metal fragments than a hatchet, it is slightly faster in harvesting ressources. (salvaging axe gives you 29 stone ressources every 2 ticks (1 swing), while a hatchet gives you 25 stone ressources every 2 ticks (2 swings)
salvaged axe gives you 175 wood ressources every 2 ticks while hatchet gives you 150 wood ressources every 2 ticks

The benefit in speed (as the total amount of ressources of a node stays the same, it just takes longer to mine it all with lesser tools) is noticeable but not drastic. Both tools are viable options in the short run, later on you want to upgrade to a salvaged axe if you picked the hatchet though.

Salvaged Hammer, Pickaxe, Salvaged Icepick
The pickaxe is designed as a tool that is used mostly to destroy placed items. The icepick is the improved version of the pickaxe similar how the salvaged axe is an improved version of the stone hatchet and hatchet. You will rarely be in a situation at the beginning when you need to destroy a lot of your own furniture items, as you shouldn't have built any until now. As such you can ignore both pickaxe and icepick for now. They are bad for ressource gathering, although they might deal more damage in melee combat, haven't tested this properly yet though or compared them to a stone spear to give more information on using them as a melee weapon.

Salvaged hammer is made with 100 wood and is a starting item. It's worse than the stone hatchet, but better for mining stone than a rock. Its a tool that you can make before making the stone hatchet. Personally I tested both routes and gathering the extra 100 wood just so that you are a little bit faster with gathering 100 stone later on is not really worth it. I'd ignore this tool and just use the rock till you can make a stone hatchet. Tabbing through menus, finding the extra wood, crafting, switching out tools all might only take a few seconds, but then it adds up and the slight benefit in mining speed to get the 100 stone is usually not good enough for this tool to make any sense currently.

Bone Knife
This tool is intended as the main goto tool for harvesting animal corpses, but currently is not implemented properly. Not worth making for now as its worse than a stone hatchet, hatchet or salvaged axe.

Bolt Action Rifle, Thompson, Pistol, Shotgun
Each of these weapons has their own use, handling and advantages especially in pvp. As for hunting animals at the start, if you can manage to get the cloth, I'd start with a bolt action rifle, especially as it 1 shots every animal but a bear saving you ammo and often saving your life when a wolf sneaks up on you from behind and you need to dispatch it quickly.

Pistols are also nice as they are somewhat accurate over middle and short distances, but not as good as a bolt action for hunting. I wouldn't use a Thompson as it's easy to spree around too much ammo and then run out of bullets. Also even wolves and deer take 2 shots to take down.

While not really good for hunting because of its short range and inaccurate aim over bigger distances, a shotgun can nonetheless make for a decent defensive weapon against attacking wolves and bears. However as you are just starting out, you will actively want to hunt animals and not just defend yourself, so it might not be the best choice for a first gun.

Bolt Action Rifles use Rifle Cartridges, Pistols and Thompson use Pistol Ammo. Shotguns obviously use shotgun shells.

You have tools now, you should have a gun to hunt more animals and in case of an attack defend yourself. It is now time to make sure you keep your things and set up a base.
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- Work in Progress / I still plan for lots of images, but for now, time is short, too many christmas things to do, I'd rather spend the remaining time playing, so I write this in text form for now till I can add the images later ;) -

6) Building in Rust - Home Sweet Home!

We have seen an overview of the tools you might want to build, guns and weapons you want to defend yourself with, but still are not much closer to our home. Or at least it seems so.

With the tools you made to chop down wood and gather stone and metal faster and the guns to acquire animal parts, you are in a perfect position to build a little house quickly.

As with every building project, the more you want to achieve, the larger your structures are supposed to be, the more materials you need and the more work you have to put into it.

A 5 by 5 house with 1 or 2 floors is fairly simple to create and should take you no more than 15 to 30 minutes once you got used to the building mechanics. Larger projects can often take a whole lot longer, especially as your trees and stones in the area get depleted at some point and you have to run farther away to acquire the necessary ressources.

Get a feeling for the building options first before you go for large projects, you can always remove placed parts later on and start new if you're not happy with what you've built.

First a little bit of a list of the things you want to make or consider and their uses:

Building Plan
A building plan just need a piece of paper, which only requires some wood to make. It is the first necessary tool you want to make for building, as you can place every single structure piece with it, as long as you have the necessary materials. Unlike in Legacy Rust, you currently have all parts learned from the start and you only need the materials and the building plan as tool, you are no longer required like in the old game to make every single piece before placing it.

Tool Cupboard
This acts as a way to claim an area of land (about 50m in every direction from the placed Tool Cupboard) No one can build in an area unless they go to the Tool Cupboard placed in it and authorizes themself with it. Like chests it is not lockable, so if you want to prevent others from simple walking over to it and adding themselves to the builder list, you should keep it locked away behind walls and out of sight from any windows.

You can have multiple tool cupboards and the area can be shared by several of them. A build deny takes precedence over a build right though, so make sure no one you don't want to have build rights to, gets them, as they can otherwise place their own cupboards and that way remove your own building permissions.

The hammer is a tool that you will need to deconstruct building parts, as well as upgrade and rotate them.

Sleeping Bag
Your Sleeping Bag can set you an extra Spawn Point. When you die you can always choose to respawn at random in the wilderness, but if you have a sleeping bag (or more than one) you can also select "Spawn in Sleeping Bag" which lets you respawn at your last placed available sleeping bag. Especially with bigger maps this helps you a lot to get back to your homebase, or to be more precise start from it, so you don't have to run around for a long time finding your spot again where you have all your items.

Lock and Code Lock
A lock is an item that you can place on your finished door. You will get a key that you can use to open the door, but if you die, people can loot your key and access your house that way. It is way less secure than a code lock, which lets you set a 4 digit code instead. You only have to use the code once, then you can directly open the door. Also nice about code locks is the fact that you can give others the code and they can also access your places that way. You can change your code for code locks any time you want as long as you know the old code and are close to the door.

Wooden Storage and Large Wooden Storage Chests
These chests serve as a place to store your items, so when you die and loose your inventory you can come back to them and get new equipment and don't have to start from 0. Don't carry too many items in your inventory, store them in your home as often as possible and only take necessary tools and weapons with you, as you will always be at risk outside.

Be aware that chests do not lock in any way, so everyone can open them and take your items if they have access to the chests. Keep them away from the ground level if possible, especially keep them away from windows or other openings where people can see and likely access them that way.

Now that we know what basics there are, lets get to work!

Start by creating your necessary tools, that would be a building plan and a hammer, as well as collecting a good amount of wood (10.000 would be a good start)

Next you want to find a spot you like to build on.

Building Spot Considerations:

.) Consider slopes when selecting a building spot. While foundations will outbalance slight imbalances of height, they are limited to about 1.5 meters in height difference. Flat ground with lots of room to expand is always preferred because you cannot build properly if you cannot place foundations and foundations can only be placed next to each other if the height difference is not too drastic.

.) Think about the overall height of your building area. If you can find a flat area on a hilltop, this might be more advantageous than down in a valley, as you can see enemies from farther away, people are less likely to jump over walls or onto your roof and you have a better position to shoot your guns from.

.) For the same reason as above, make sure you build away from any areas people can use to climb or jump onto your home. Large rocks are as much a risk as mountainsides or even places that might be out of range of your tool cupboard that other people can use to build a bridge onto your homebase.

.) Take the ressources in your area into account. While small houses don't take much consideration for materials, as they rarely need more than 1 or 2 runs to gather them, larger building projects can deforest huge areas very quickly.

.) Make sure your chosen area fits your playstyle. If you build close to people who enjoy pvp, especially if you build close to Cohh, you will likely see a lot more pvp going on and will be more at risk of being attacked and killed. On the other hand if you enjoy pvp, building at the very end of the map, all on your own, will leave you sitting out there, with rarely anyone stopping by to pvp with.
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Awesome guide Rynea!!! GJ
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Very nice guide!
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How to Build:

For the actual building, you put your building plan on your hotbar, select it like any other tool, then hold down rightclick. A wheel with building options will show up. Select what you want to build while holding rightclick, then select it with leftclick. Now your selection will be saved and on the area in front of you, you should see a white shadow of the part you can build appear.

Foundations are the first parts you want to build. They are free placeable, but connect to other foundations when next to one. Select the first foundation in a spot that looks like a good centerpoint, then work around it and 'connect' all other foundation parts by pointing the white building shadow of the next foundation close to the already built one at one of its sides till you see it connect to it.

A single stairway will take up 4 tiles (2 stairs+2 tiles to move on when you come up/down) A stairway that goes both up and down a floor, will take you 8 tiles respectively.

Taking this into account, as well as the fact, that you should build your chests and tool cupboards out of access from other people, you have a big choice to make if you want your items safe.

You can either build a second floor, because in most situations that will be enough of a distance so that people cannot access your chests and tool cupboards if they cannot enter the house, or alternatively, you can build a large enough single ground floor with enough corners out of range of any windows for the same purpose. As wooden walls have some small holes that sometimes allow people to access items through walls (even though thats mostly an exploit) I'd recommend to build several floors and store your goodies and your important items and sleeping bags on higher floors. 2 or 3 floors are just slightly more work, but will guarantee your items safety a lot better.

Compared to Legacy Rust, building is a lot easier and less ressource consuming, so I can only recommend building only 5x5 or larger structures for permanent homes. Taking all the stairs and chests and things you want to have in your home into account smaller will very quickly make you feel crowded.

Hidey Hole:

If you are in a hurry or want a safe spot fast, start by building the first 3 or 6 foundations, place a furnace, sleeping bag and tool cupboard inside and then wall all but 1 spot off with walls, in that 1 spot put a doorframe with a door and put a lock or code lock on it (I'd always place code locks as the risk of giving others access to your home with keys is just too high otherwise)

Unless they can climb a mountainside or large rock close by, they wont be able to jump over your walls. Without a ceiling others on mountains close by, might still be able to shoot inside though, if they have a height advantage.

Use floors as ceilings, unlike in Legacy Rust, there are no more ceiling parts, but the new floors act in the same way.

Once you have a little hidey home, you can always expand later on. If youre not in any direct danger, I'd start with a 5x5 structure at the beginning, maybe with one corner without windows to put cupboard and a chest and some room for stairs at the back.

Stairs and Half-Height blocks:

Stairs go a half wall size up. While you can build floors at half wall heights, its not a good idea as it will later get you into trouble if you want to add to it in any way. Rather build a large block next to the first stairway which is half height too and then add another stairs on top of this block. From there on you can place the floor parts for the next higher level easily.

Some notes on deconstruction, upgrading, and in general all the work you want to do with a hammer:

In order to deconstruct, change and upgrade building parts, you will need to use a hammer. Select it in your hotbar, hover over the part that you want to remove or edit, then hold rightclick down to choose an option of what to do, then select the option you want by leftclicking it.

Not only will it require a hammer, but you also need to be in range and have authorized with a tool cupboard. If you cannot deconstruct anything with a hammer, youre likely outside of a tool cupboard range. Either authorize with the one in the area, or if there is none, build one and authorize with it.
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So.. it says ti play Legacy. but your screenshots show the new version. Ive tried to connect before the patch and after the patch as of 1-13-15, Says im on the wrong version. If i try legacy and put in client.connect it just sits there doing nothing. with no message at all.

Any help? im very lost. had no problems 2 weeks ago.
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I have the requirement but when i do EDITED OUT it fails to connect, has that changed? also cant see any of the 2 servers in the modded (or community) tabs.
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Right now the servers are down - there was an update last night that have made it a bit tricky for our admins, but they are working on it last I heard :)
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Ok thanks
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Servers still not up. Pretty bummed because I've been trying to play all day :/ (ok, only the past 17 hours)
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Any news on this? :-)
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Nope :( I'm playing on a Blackwing Gaming server while I wait - client.connect <edited out> if you want to join. But I'll be back on Cohh Server asap
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Just tried, still nada
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Who is the server provider?
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Server is now up and running :) Good work guys! :)
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whats the ip address for the 2nd server please?
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IP adresses are out at least for general availability, we give out dns links now, check the whitelist page for details :)
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server is down :(
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