[Spoilers] Rollplay: The West Marches

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This thread is about a Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition campaign, The West Marches, in which Cohh is a guest that has, and will hopefully continue to keep making appearances. Cohh is not a staple in this campaign, however on the Adventurers list, there is a list of characters he has played, and the weeks in which they played in for your convenience. Whenever Cohh is part of the West Marches, he will host ItmeJP on his channel for the Cohhilition for anyone interested. I do implore you to watch other episodes, as the cast changes week by week. I will update this thread as the episodes come, however do feel free to let me know if I messed up some information. I want this thread to become a Go-To guide to the world of The West Marches for the Cohhilition, and any who might be interested in the world of The West Marches and the campaigns. Feel free to discuss below the events of the episodes, but please keep in mind that events that are not uploaded to YouTube not everyone has seen.
Warning: This show is most certainly not PG-16, and NSFW.
P.S. : Things with a (?) means that it was the official term, but may have been subjective or unclear exactly if it was said article.

The West Marches:
The West Marches is an Open World campaign designed by Silent0siris that uses the Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition Rule set. The West Marches takes place in a town of Viriskali of the Kingdom of Loriene. Viriskali is protected by the walls that surround it, but beyond those walls lives monsters and no one is safe from them. Most people are content with living inside the wall, but there are those who wish to further themselves or are dissatisfied with their lives and want to find their own fortune. Most episodes start in Frelka's Tavern, a tavern owned by an older man named Frelka which is bustling with patrons of all kinds. Characters will live in Virskali between adventures, as they explore what lies beyond the walls.
Next West Marches Episode:

Player: ItmeJP
Ecila, Male Elf Barbarian (1)
Lady Charlemagne, Female Human Seamstress (2)
Kurthak Ironjaw, Male Half-Orc Monk (3-7,9-10)
Tahc, Male Human Fighter (7)
Captain Koke, Male Human Fighter (8)

: CohhCarnage
S'ilid Albresh, Male Elf Fighter (1)
Shaldrick IronHeart, Male Dwarf Rogue (5,7,9-10)

: Ezekiel_III
Kellan Wildlight, Male Human Ranger (1,3,9-10)
Maldrik Ironheart, Male Dwarf Cleric (5)

: ShanonZKiller
Bardric Bardison, Female Halfling Bard (1, 3)
Clara Clericson, Female Human(?) Cleric (2)

: Thestrippin
Gilly Tosscobble, Female Elf Bard (2)

: ManVsGame
Sir Douglas, Male Human Fighter (2)

: Dexbonus
Juliette Grabatul, Female Half-Orc Barbarian (3-4,9-10)

: MargaretKrohn
Valisilewen Telaldren, Female Elf Druid (4)

: Kaitlyn_N
Freki, Female Tiefling(?) Warlock(4)

: Trumpsc
Donald, Male Human Rogue (5)
Player: Soembie
Varani, Female Dragonborn Druid (6-7)
Player: MostXtremeBrian
Tal Brighthands, Male Human Wizard (6)
Player: Skinnyghost
Doctor Grigori Petrovich, Male Human Cleric (6-7)
Player: GassyMexican
Sfialbaz the Scorned, Male Dragonborn Wizard (8)
Player: LolRenaynay
Vagurt the Sour, Female Elf Druid (8)
Player: EatMyDiction
Fargle Raumhausen, Male Half-Elf Rogue (8)

Adventurer Status:
Status [+] Show
(Note: TBD is for episodes that are not fully released on YOUTUBE for JP's Channel. Thank you for your understanding.)
(HP: Health Points, AC: Armor Class, STR: Strength, DEX: Dexterity, CON: Constitution, INT: Intelligence, WIS: Wisdom, CHR: Charisma)
(Level ups are usually done next stream appearance. Therefore, (*) signifies these values were for the previous level , and will increase next session.)
Character List:
Ecila: Alive (Retired)
Current Level: 1
HP: 14
AC: 14
STR: 14
DEX: 14
CON: 15
INT: 10
WIS: 13
CHR: 8

Lady Charlemagne: Dead

Kurthak: Alive
Current Level: 3
HP: 27
AC: 15
STR: 17
DEX: 16
CON: 15
INT: 12
WIS: 15
CHA: 9

Tahc: Dead

Captain Koke: Alive
Current Level: 2
AC: 18
DEX: 14
CON: 15
INT: 9
WIS: 13
CHR: 11

S'ilid: Alive
Current Level: 1
AC: 16
STR: 15
DEX: 12
CON: 14
INT: 14
WIS: 8

Shaldrick: Alive (Leprosy)
Current Level: 3
HP: 18
AC: 14
STR: 12
DEX: 16
CON: 14
INT: 11
WIS: 9
CHA: 15

Kellan: Alive
Current Level: 3
AC: 14
STR: 13
DEX: 17
CON: 12
INT: 12
WIS: 14
CHR: 9

Maldrick: Dead

Bardric: Alive
Current Level: 1
HP: 8
DEX: 19
CON: 10
INT: 12
WIS: 8
CHR: 19

Clara: Dead

Gilly: Dead

Douglas: Dead

Juliette: Dead

Valisilewen: Dead

Freki: Alive
Current Level: 1
DEX: 13
CON: 14
INT: 9
WIS: 12
CHR: 17

Donald: Alive
Current Level: 2
HP: 10
AC: 14
STR: 12
DEX: 16
CON: 14
INT: 9
WIS: 13
CHR: 15

Varani: Alive (Leprosy)
Current Level: 1
HP: 9
AC: 16
STR: 15
DEX: 10
CON: 13
INT: 8
WIS: 16
CHR: 12

Tal: Alive
Current Level: 1
HP: 6
AC: 13
STR: 5
DEX: 16
CON: 11
INT: 18
WIS: 7
CHR: 10

Grigori: Alive (Leprosy)
Current Level: 1
HP: 9
AC: 16
STR: 15
DEX: 10
CON: 13
INT: 8
WIS: 16
CHA: 12

Sfialbaz: Alive
Current Level: 2
HP: 8
AC: 10
STR: 12
DEX: 13
CON: 14
INT: 15
WIS: 8
CHR: 13

Vagurt: Dead

Fargle: Dead

More Info and VODs:
For more specifics about The West Marches Campaign: http://www.reddit.com/r/itmejp/comments ... t_marches/
Silent0siris made this Wiki for The West Marches as well: http://rollplaywestmarches.wikia.com/wiki/
Official Twitter of RollPlay: https://twitter.com/RealRollPlay
VODs of The West Marches can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/user/itmeJP/ and http://www.twitch.tv/itmejp (Twitch subscription required).
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-Reserved for Activities!-
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Excellent information. +1 for your face. :)
I am also a longtime Mod of itmeJP and have seen every episode of every Rollplay show, a long time DM from the second edition rule set of D&D all the way through fifth edition so any questions about anything D&D related you may be interested in as new or old viewers, please let us know and i will do my best to answer. :) Cheers
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Great work tysonions! Thanks a lot for the info. :)
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Thank you for this Tysonions!
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