Gadget Fallout New Vegas Archetype

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Just for fun I decided to start up new Vegas again and create my own archetype. Just wanted to share it here and see whatever one thought of it.

Name: Gadget

Age 27

Born: 2244


Str 3

Pre 8

End 4

Chr 1

Int 10

Agility 5

Luck 9

Tagged stats are energy weapons, science and medicine

Traits are small frame, trigger discipline

Background bio

Born in a small camp on the outskirts of DC, it was clear from a young age that Gadget was not like other children. He was extremely intelligent but lack the basic social skills that others took for granted. This lead to him resenting other humans as they saw him as an outsider and he sought companionship with some ghouls in underworld in DC as a teenager. He became a big part of their community and was widely accepted by them. This did not last though, on turning twenty he was forced to leave underworld after it was attacked by raiders, not knowing the fate of his friends he ran from DC now with an even greater hate for humans who had rejected him and his friends. He decided the only way to save the wasteland from tearing itself apart was to use his knowledge of science to create a robot army to unify the wasteland. Unfortunately for Gadget, building a robot army is very expensive so he took a job as a courier in the Mojave while collecting information vital to building his army. He was then captured and shot by Benny. This was the last straw for Gadget as now he was out for revenge, and more motivated than ever to unite the wasteland under his rule so that the injustice he and his ghoul friends suffered would not go unpunished any more.

How to play

· Sadly due to his lust for knowledge and intelligence, Gadget became addicted to mentats at a young age and must consume them immediately once found

· Due to his history, Gadget has serious trust issues and thus will not trust any human who wants to help him. He cannot have any human companions

· Gadget will do anything to gather resources for his army by any means necessary. This means that he will help people but only if there is an obvious benefit that can be used towards his cause. He will also not hesitate to steal technology that may help his journey no matter the conquences.

· Gadget has sympathy for those who have suffered the same or similar troubles that he has. He is happy to help out ghouls or scientists who want to further the stability and peace in the wasteland.

· Gadget is not a good or evil person inherently. It is up to the player if they want to take the risk of trusting the humans who have disowned and disgraced him at a every turn, or to destroy anyone who stands in his way, either literally or metaphorically.
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I thought this build was going to be Gadget. You know, Gadget:

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Or, alternatively, Gadget. Image
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