This Week in Gaming May 30th- June 6th.

Gaming news from various gaming sites
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Posts: 31
Joined: Fri May 08, 2015 4:17 pm
Location: San Antonio, Texas

I'm back! Sorry guys for taking that month off... I uh, was having some issues with a shitty job that left me dead. But That's done for now and I can do this again! So lets get started, shall we?

Overwatch Cheaters getting hammered.
I'll start with Overwatch, because I'm sure more than a few people reading this already play it, and will be happy to hear that hacks and cheats are getting banned left and right. But not just once, but multiple times. If you hacked in the Beta, or after purchasing the game, you will need to wipe your computer, completely. Blizzard is not messing around this time around, as hackers are being hardware banned; that means even if they buy new copies of the game, they will still be banned on their new account.

DOOM (4?) Reaches 500k sales![On PC only.]
Heck yeah! Those of us born in the 80's and 90's know Doom well, and despite a very shaky beta, it appears DOOM is a great game, and people are loving it! This makes me happy. It should make you happy! The game itself has only been out for a little over two weeks, and this is NOT counting sales on Xbox and PlayStation.

GTX 1080,& AMD's Radeon RX480
Holy Moly, is there a war going on that I was not expecting. It looks like NVIDIA and AMD aren't pulling their punches with this generations cards, though both are striking at each other in different ways. This is great news for those of us that love to build PC's though.

On the GTX side, it would appear that the 1080/1070 are everything we could ever want. I'm still skeptical myself, but if the hype proves to be true that this is better than the Titan X and half the price, I'll be sure to test it out for you all.

On the AMD side, they are planning to release a card that is close to being on par with the latest generation... For only $200!? Well... I don't know what to say about that. That's incredibly cheap for even a Medium performance card, and could open up PC gaming for even more people!

Xbox One drops in price to $299.
Well, it looks like the Xbone is cheaper now, so I guess thats nice. Then again, the PS4.5 and Xbox One½ will be released fairly soon. So if I had to guess, this is a cash grab for those who don't want to buy the new or old version, but can't pass up a deal.
Posts: 31
Joined: Fri May 08, 2015 4:17 pm
Location: San Antonio, Texas

Oh yes, I forgot to add this one.

Galaxy in Turmoil, the fan made Star Wars: Battlefront 3 is green lit on Steam. For Free!
Oh boy, I really hope Disney doesn't call a Cease and Desist on this, but the fan made, free, version of Battlefront will be launched for free on Steam. Not quite sure how this is going to go, but this is something I'll try and keep people updated on. But after the fail that was Battlefront, I truly hope this picks up some steam, and is allowed to release and stay...
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